Sunday, August 21, 2011

Ramon- Introduction

Hey everyone, my name is Jeffrey Ramon. I am a senior Religious Studies major at Loyola. At Loyola I am involved in two major activities. I am the head basketball manager for our men's basketball team, and I am the Executive Chair of the Ignacio Volunteers. The Ignacio Volunteers is am immersion program organization facilitated by the Jesuit Center. We run immersion programs to Belize and Jamaica during the summer and winter of the school year. Interested? Talk to me :) Not interested? Talk to me so I can tell you more about these amazing programs. Outside of Loyola, I am a Sr. 4th Degree Black Belt in TaeKwonDo.
Why am I enrolled in this course? First, I declared my English minor rather late in my college career, so it's crunch time as far as course credits are concerned. However, my interest in World War II and the Holocaust has been quite high since reading Lois Lowry's "Number the Stars" in middle school.
That's everything about me. I look forward to the course!


  1. Hello again, Jeffrey. Welcome to the course. I want to volunteer in Belize sometime. Is it possible for faculty to do that? Great picture.

  2. It is very much possible. In late May of this past summer, I went down to Belize with a group of Faculty/Staff Ignacio Volunteers. Brian Sullivan was a part of this group, and he will be more than happy to share his experiences with you.
