Thursday, August 25, 2011

Genocide its events

Hitler somehow, someway was able to control other people’s minds, thoughts and beliefs. This was one man, who had so much power over others and was able to convince them to carry out such horrific crimes. Label people just due to their looks and/or faith. I wonder every time I read something or watch something on the Holocaust, how did others not try and stop this man? Not everyone was on the same band wagon as he or could they have been? In Night, we learn and receive a much clearer and vivid picture of the Holocaust through a survivor. It is clear that the many concentration camps that Elie was moved to each shared and made an impressionable milestone in his journey. We see the SS come into his town and turn his home into a prison camp then he moves onto Birkenau, where for the first time in the horrific journey he and he family are separated. This would be the final time he is able to see his mother and sister alive. During his journey he and his father experience some monumental times together, they are forced to act a support for one another. Deep down inside Elie does not like his father too much. This is how the prisoners were able to survive forced to relive on people, who they may not otherwise had relationships. Survival was much hire in numbers, rather than trying to face this sentence alone. Many could not relive on God at this time. They were mostly all mad a God, why would he has put us through this and allow this it happen, many asked themselves. The genocide in Night was an action that took and father and teenage son and forced a positive relationship upon them. Their differences set asides, they come to realize what is truly important. This was the case, until his father began giving up. Elie could not and began once again resenting his father for not having the will and strength to make it. When these people were in such high stress environments, they looked and relied on each other for strength. As I mentioned prior survival is easier in high numbers. These prisoners never knew what was coming next, the only thing that had was the will to outlive this sentence. Not let the SS get the best of them. At the end when Elie is a survivor, it is not a nice as he imagined it would be. As mentioned in the lecture when you are a survivor of a bad event, you are seen as a reminder of what once was and happened. All the prisoners were seen by others as the horrific events that took place. This does not make for a very nice life for you to live out in the world around. In Soviet we are shown how a mass murder was carried out, but never actually account for till later. For years many believed that the deaths within the concentration camps were among the largest. Stalin who carried out the starvation plan just took a different approach to mass killing. To see again how this one man Stalin was able to get some many to work for him and towards this mass genocide is remarkable. Conspiracy was just as the title says. Men sitting around a table deciding the faith of many innocent individuals, in the largest quantity they could. “The Final Solution” in my opinion was by far the most depressing part of the Holocaust. The SS just decided that the more then can kill the better. I just do not understand how so many around knew or had an idea that they was something not right happening in Germany and did nothing to prevent or stop it. This event that took place in this film was the totally imagine of the Holocaust, mass murder of the Jews no matter what it took. The end result needed to be elimination.

1 comment:

  1. Please note: You have not titled your blog correctly. The title should have your last name, Raymond, first in your title: Raymond: Week One Blog, or Raymond: Holocausts in Europe. Something like that. You will lose points the next time your fail to put a correct title on your blog. Secondly, you need to check your grammar and spelling. This is a public blog, so people can read it who are not in the class. You might do your blog in word, check the grammar and spelling, and then post it on the blog. Also, you need to be careful about making general statements, such as "Elie did not like his father too much." The whole father-son relationship in the novel is extremely complex. Weisel tries to understand his feelings, but the circumstances of horror intensify relationships as well as diminishing their power. Finally, you need to do more with the issues
    of the two films.
