Friday, October 7, 2011

Raymond: Week 7 Hotel Rwanda & Murambi, the Book of Bones

Again we are faced in both the movie and the film of fight over power. For many years the Tutsis people were thought of as powerful and strong with a great influence over the Hutus people. The Hutus despite the lack of respect they received from the Tutsis people were the majority of the population. The hatred toward one another was so great. The Tutsis people wanted power, this is what brought us to the massive genocide that last for three months in Rwanda. We see the Hutus perpetrate so much more violence, which was driving by the anger. This quickly resulted in many more Tutsis people killed. There were so killed in such a relativity short period of time in this genocide, which is what made this so impressionable. In Hotel Rwanda, we are able to see the massacre first hand, but it is seen from a Hotel Manager. He attempted so greatly to save his fellow citizens from the wrath of this genocide. Here we also see that constant struggle of political power and control. Paul Rusesabagina who is the hotel manager is a Hutu, but is married to a Tutsis woman. This is one example of the reason for the genocide as well; the lack of control of the integrated marriages between the two people. Due to Paul’s marriage he had even a harder task of keeping safe and staying alive. The same things are seen in this film as many of the other genocide films we have studied. The people watching their fellow citizen die such horrific deaths and being subjected to such violent abuse. Paul does what any other man would do to keep his family out of harm’s way. Finds people in high authority and gives them things they want such as money to maintain his family safety. Paul does and is able to keep his family out of harm’s way.
Michel Serumundo, is one of the characters we meet in Murambi, the Book of Bones he is actually the first we meet. I thought that his story was interested, because he did not have any idea of what was happening. This shows just how quick the genocide began for these people. Michel is an owner of a video store in the village, he is at work one night and it’s a very quite night. He stayed late in the store just in case the last minute customer would arrive. When Michel began to leave and head to the bus to go home, he had an odd encounter. As he began his walk the sounds he heard were sirens, he took this as a fire must a have broke out did not think very much of it at all. The next event it was started his suspicious feelings solider in combat gear asked for his ID, when the solider saw he was a Tutsis he told him to move on. Once on the bus, Michel bus was stopped by soldiers and asked for Id’s as well. Michel suspicion grew even more so now. He was thinking to himself what is going on here, why is all this odd things occurring? As Michel arrived home his wife looked very serious as well, he then knew something bad was happening or going to take place soon. Like any other parent, he made sure all of his children were indoors and in his possession. His wife told him the radio advised all to stay home and not leave to go anywhere. By now Michel was aware this must be related to the death of the President that took place. He knew that major killing would then take place and massive bloodshed was coming their way. Having to live in complete fear as Michel and his family did, the fear of dying and the fear of the unknown is in conceivable. This would all be a result of showing that you cannot kill our President and not have consequences follow. All in all it was struggle of trying to regain power; everyone wants to have the upper hand and the control over others in these genocides. As a result, however many lives are lost that does not need to be, and the power control still in resolved.


  1. First of all, no offense, but the grammar and spelling in this post was very sloppy. The lack of paragraphing additionally made it really difficult to read.

    That aside, the emotions you point out that Paul & Michel likely had in common were a good piece of analysis. Your highlighting of the fear that must occur during a time of genocide was astute. We saw this incredibly well with Hotel Rwanda. Don Cheadle's eyes just ached with the stress and terror of the political battles he must wage to keep his evacuees safe. I thought the hero structure of the movie was a bit Hollywood, but it definitely did show what it's like to be a small resistance leader against massive death and violence.

  2. I appreciate your comment, since this in an English class correct grammar and spelling should be perfect. This is why it is always good to have others look at your work.
